Thursday, March 30, 2006


I haven't much time to write tonight...I need to head up to the bar and play some music...its just that sometimes I get down and don't even know why...or maybe I do know why and just refuse to admit it.

I have, as I'm sure you have, used the word inevitable in a sentence atleast once in my life. You know what inevitable means probably. Its a great word because everyone knows what it means, but it still sounds fancy. I don't like inevitable right now...who chooses inevitable? If I tell you that its inevitable that someone fails because he's trying to start fire with water, I'm probably correct. What if he starts fire with water...what if he finds a way to spark flame with good ole H2O and all the sudden my statement is inevitably wrong. Who chooses what? Why are things inevitable? What is worth trying to change?

I have to be careful sometimes what I write on here because my motherreads these and she might read something and take it the wrong way, but its hard for me because I write my stuff, as well as live much of my life, with reckless abandonment. Therefore, the way I live and write, its inevitable that at some point I'm going to be taken out of context, or hurt someones feelings, or make someone angry.

If you live your life, or write your thoughts, or bake your cookies to make sure everyone is happy..then you are nothing. If you spend your time trying so hard to please others, then you are never yourself. Do you know who you are? Ask yourself that question right now. Do I really know who I am? Are you a different person at work then you are at home? Have you ever blamed something on the alcohol? I live by a little saying, "a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts." If you act different in different environments, why do you do so? Now I'm not talking about little things that are out of home I cuss like a sailor...I try not to do that too much at work because people are offended by such things and I do work in the retail business. I try to keep many of my opinions to myself at work, although I would never state a false opinion just to appease someone.

There is the dude that comes in and tries to hammer on us and hammer on us for a lower price..."come on"..."give me a break"..."I know you have room to move" (like we don't have bills to pay?). This is the same guy that asks why everything is made in China, and I want so bad to come over the counter and give him a piece of my mind. "Its people like you that have driven everything to foreign, who wants to pay less and less for a product and the service that goes with it, all the time wanting more and more and more money to be paid for yourself!" I've seen myself scream this in my head. Its you Mr. Fatman who has to ask for a little less no matter what the price to the point that the only way I can get you what you ask for at the price you are willing to pay is to go somewhere where it can be made cheaper. A place where people work harder for less money.

Sorry about that, but if you couldn't tell I'm just a little upset and my mind is swirling. All this time I don't know if I'm upset at something, someone, or just my own damn self.
Why is it that we always seem chasing something or someone that we can't have...that doesn't want us...and all the time there is something that we don't want that is chasing us. Maybe its a great life back there, but you just keep pressing on...keep reaching....keep hoping.
Think outside the box...Its a vicious cycle...dont' be selfish and think about yourself...look at the broad picture. That someone or something that doesn't want you, is probably chasing someone or something else that doesn't want them. If you've never thought about that, then have you thought about this...that person who wants you or what you have, that you are running from...the person who would give you anything...there is someone chasing them. Someone who would gladly step in and give it all they have.

If you're confused then my job here is feel like me and all I really wanted to do was to bring the whole damn lot down with me.
There are few things in this world that are truly inevitable...things that can't be changed no matter what you do. Success is not inevitable, no matter what you do. Love is not inevitable. But chasing success, and chasing love...there is an will hurt sometimes, not necessarily forever...but you will hurt sometimes. Without pain, would you ever really know pleasure?

If you read this in time to make it out to the Texas Sports Bar, tonight would be a good night...when I'm happy I play and have fun, but when I'm sad I pour my heart and pain out into the song...cause there never would have been any soul or rock and roll without the blues.


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