Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Bad Day in an Up State

It happens sometimes.

You might want to call it might want to say, "damn it, I just spent damn near two weeks down in the dumps and I finally bounce back and this happens!!!"

Hey, you just gotta keep on keepin' on!

But I did have a bad day. It's not anything I really want to share here, but I was a little angry, and a little disappointed, and a whole lot sad today.

Let me tell you one thing I've learned (not that I can do it every time) in my 28 or so years...Sometimes its just better to keep your damn mouth shut. Especially if you have a mouth like mine that sometimes spits out things that you aren't supposed to even be thinking about. It's better to think things through, and look at all the sides of the story. That's why I was only a little angry instead of a lot angry.

So what did I do? What every head shrinker would tell you not to do...I cracked open a cold beer!

I then pulled up my online poker account and started gambling. Now I'm no professional, but I can usually make a few bucks playing cards (well, until the beers start to stack up) but I was having some trouble today. I had to quit, because I couldn't get my mind to quit drifting back to it. I missed a few things, and not so much things that cost me money, but more things where I could have made money. Checking on that hand...err!!! I also got mad because I accidentally clicked fold on a straight hand. ERRRR!!!!

So I went outside and played with the monsters. Its funny how little things make everything brighter! They were running around and tackling each other. I was laughing at them. They were ganging up on momma kitty and trying to take her down. She would kick their ass for a second and then start licking them. I'm thinking I might let them in tonight...even if they are ankle biters.

I've already got Poon Tang in the house. She's sitting here cleaning herself on the floor beside me. You've gotta love a self-cleaning Poon Tang. She'll get up every once in a while and rub against me, and then lay back down and start her cleaning again.

You wanna hear a story I thought I'd never share? Poon Tang and I used to hold hands when we slept.

I know, sounds funny...but before she had the babies she would sleep in my bed at night (I think we were both lonely, and just looking for really wouldn't have ever worked...or maybe she was just looking for her babies' new daddy...I feel so used!) She would sleep up close to my head, and one night I had my hand out and I woke up and Tang had her little paw curled up and was "holding" my first two fingers. I left it there so I wouldn't disturb her, and soon she was sleeping like this most every night. When she had the monsters, she quit sleeping in my bed. I can't believe I'm not deleting this paragraph.

So there you go...well, my mind is still drifting in and out of the little thing that got me earlier, but I'm feeling better. I think I'm fixing to go back outside.

Beer Me!


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