Friday, July 07, 2006

Pepperoni Pizza

I wrote in an earlier post about my weird rituals of eating Animal's heads off (Animal Crackers that is) and Fried Chicken Skin (Yummy!)

Yesterday I had a couple slices of Pepperoni pizza, and what do you know...I remembered another. When eating Pepperoni Pizza, I eat all the pepperonis off the pizza before I eat the pizza.

I'm trying not to self-psychoanalyze, but it's hard not to. Feel free to leave your opinion.

So anyway, I came up with a few more...I'm a freaking weirdo!

Lucky Charms...Love 'em. I haven't had them in a while, but I'd eat all the toasted oat pieces first, and then eat the marshmellows last!

I actually had to focus on changing this, but I used to eat one thing at a time on my plate and I usually ate them in order of favorites from least to most. If it were steak, potatoes and peas then I would eat the peas first, the potatoes second and then the steak last.

Iced Tea...I use Sweet and Low...always two packets. 8 oz glass...two packets. 12 oz...two packets...64 oz...two packets.

Always have to have fair treatment for my appendages.

If I retie one shoe, I have to retie the other. If someone rubs one of my feet, they have to rub the other. If they don' drives me freaking crazy. Had an evil girlfriend one time who would use this against me. She'd rub one foot, or massage one hand and then walk away. Evil!!!

There are more...but....

Anyway, good news is I've started sleeping a little bit.

More Good News...The WettNex are playing at the River tomorrow night...check us out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also like to eat all the pepperoni off of the pizza first. I thought it was completely normal to do this. Don't eat hamburger pizza - it is way too hard to eat all those little pieces of hamburger first.

I love Lucky Charms, too. I have not had them in years. I always save the marshmallows until last. It is very frustrating when you have those last couple of toasted oat pieces and they get in the middle of the marshmallows.

I used to eat one thing at a time on my plate. I have grown out of it over time. I would eat one thing and then physically rotate my plate and eat the next. If one thing touched another, I would not eat the food that ran into the other. I still do not like my food to touch. I saw a commercial on tv the other day where Kentucky Fried Chicken (I think it was KFC) had a bowl of mashed potatoes and they piled chicken and gravy and all kinds of stuff on top of the mashed potatoes. It made my skin crawl.

Iced Tea - I also use 2 packets always no matter the size, but I use equal. I also add one packet when they are refilling my tea.

I am not sure about the shoe tying thing you got going on. I have never had that issue, but I guess I rarely wear shoes that tie.

Glad to hear you are sleeping more. You know if you do not get enough sleep, it slows your metabolism down.

1:37 PM  
Blogger Idea Magnet said...

Well personally if I were to eat something off the pizza first it would be the pizza :) then I'd eat the pepperoni because that is my favorite.

I love leaving the marshallows last.

I think it's a childhood fav to eat the heads off of animal crackers first. You have to make sure they're dead!

We all have our quirks. My wife can't stand having one foot rubbed and one not. Even if it's a two second touch. She can't stand her silverware in the wrong positions or slightly rotated.

I can't stand having one shoelace tighter than the other.

Anyway I think we're all the same. We all have quirks and so many of them are similar.

3:04 PM  
Blogger EJL said...

I eat all the perpperonis then the cheeze then the sauce then the dough off the crust....always eat it that way. I think I am insane.

I also disect my raviolis

I suck all the juice from my pickles until it gets shriveled like a raisin. My hubby says he hates that but I know he secretly finds it attractive:)
Good luck on our blog battle, stop by and enter my contest for BE points.

3:52 PM  
Blogger EJL said...

as far as the lucky charm thing...I take all the marshmallows out and put them on a papertowel, eat the cereal, then shove the entire marshmallow bank in my mouth...such a treat!!

3:54 PM  

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