So its time for a good ole fashioned rant...It's been a while
First...our country is fucked up! Our congressmen are playing whip the wire with their underage male pages, and then they'll give themselves a raise for it next time they get a chance. I heard someone say that I shouldn't let one bad apple ruin the whole bunch...but anyone who thinks there is just one bad apple in Washington/Austin/Hays Co. or whatever part of the world you live in, also probably thinks that Hillary Clinton should be the next President (did that make sense? Sure it did)
Come on Folks!
Mark Foley isn't the first male politician to have sexual contact with a male page...he may just be the first one to be caught and publicly exposed. Gary Condit wasn't the first politician to make a young girl disappear and Wild Bill probably wasn't the first President to get a blow job in the Oval Office.
I think back to my childhood, or I guess my teen years, when I was always doing something "bad" and by God always getting caught. How did my mother know...what was I doing wrong? My older brother seemed to get away with murder, and here I was getting caught for everything! Well, not may have just been the law of averages! I realized something a few years wasn't that I was not as sneaky or sly as my brother, but my mother was smarter than she was 7 years prior. She had seen it all before, and I wasn't coming out with any original material. There's few things to do in a small Texas football, drink beer, and be in the back seat of the car on Saturday night. (ha ha, my first car was a two seater...what was I thinking!!!) Mix in a little mud running, cow tipping, house wrapping, water tower climbing, school jumping (a whole other story), back roading, and skinny dipping and you've got a hell of a good raisin'. Not very all goes on still today...but hey, its a good time. Anyway, the point being...I wasn't doing more or less than my brother, but my mother was educated in a boy's ways, and therefore was more apt to catch the wild bunch.
You get where I went with that one? The media is always looking for the bigger story and finding more means to do so...the Democrats are hungry to regain their control of the legislation...the pages are tired of getting cornholed...and more people are getting caught. Washington is a dirty place...I'm going to go wash my hands just typing about it.
Speaking of legislation...for those of you who play poker or do other gaming online, you probably know about this last weeks law which now makes online gambling illegal...fine...they made it illegal...and snuck it in on the Port Security Act. Basically the mob got pissed because they weren't making the money from online gambling, so they decided that no one should get the money from online gambling...the thought is that those who are addicted to gambling will be looking for bookies or driving to casinos. So, I can no longer lose my paycheck at, but I could find some guy who will break my fucking fingers when I can't pay him...atleast at sportsbook or party poker it was all prepaid and no one was getting attitude adjustments. My thoughts...if you want to make something illegal, step up and take the law before the people...don't weasel it in. If it was really a major concern, it would be at the top of the list...not a footnote...but that is how the bastards get a raise every they are pretty good at what they do.
I missed blogging about Steve Irwin...dangit...I wasn't a Croc Hunter fanatic, but he was a good man, with a love for nature, and a crazy way of bringing it to the couch potatoes of the world...hats off to a man that died doing what he loved.
I sometimes try not to offend...but there are some things that just finally peck away, and peck away, and peck away...
I'm not sure anymore what I feel about this "war" that we are involved in. I've said before that I thought it was right to go to war, but not so right to still be in war. My thoughts are that the problem is with all this politically correct, and media coverage, and let's try to make this whole thing seem not that violent...bullshit! People are dying and that is violent and sometimes that is what has to happen to resolve a situation. I think back to my athletic days...coaches always preached about kicking a dying dog until it was dead (small town remember). See, if you let a smaller, weaker, lesser opponent stay in a fight with you for too long...he starts getting more courage, more adrenaline, more cunning and he then can beat you, but if you go in and just kick some fucking ass...lay down the law...and drop the hammer (no I don't think we should have erased them from the map...not a trend we need to lead) this war would have been over years ago.
So with that being said...I'm tired of hearing about the President and his campaign sending innocent men and women to die. Yes, its true that troops are dying, and that a lot of them are innocent...but they are also doing a job that they signed up to do and it is a job that comes with risks. There has not been a draft in this war...this isn't Vietnam all over again (yet) and no one that has been killed was forced to join the army...or at least not by the army. Underwater welding is one of the most dangerous jobs there is, and these welders are well paid because of it. If an employer were to send an welder down several hundred feet and ask him to weld something, and there is a problem and that welder loses his it the boss man's fault? Should a person who chooses a high risk profession, knowing those risks, be able to blame their losses on another man? Soldiers in the armed forces are paid and trained to serve their country, protect their country, and sometimes die for their country...I'm not saying that I don't mourn with the families of fallen soldiers...I do...I salute them...I encourage them...and I am indebted to them for the freedoms and liberties that I have today. Even if it is being besmirched and defiled by the evil bastards that we elect every couple of years. What I'm saying is innocent men and women are not being sent to their death by the and women are dying, doing their job, in a ill-favored work environment. Yeah, I know that might piss you off.
Man I need to quit! I'm off to play music...let me know what you think...
Here's the question of the day....who do you think was the first President to get a blow job, by someone other than his wife, in the White House???
Tags: Mark Foley,Gary Condit, Wild Bill, Hillary Clinton, Port Security Act,Steve Irwin, sportsbook, party poker, Presidental fornication,
First...our country is fucked up! Our congressmen are playing whip the wire with their underage male pages, and then they'll give themselves a raise for it next time they get a chance. I heard someone say that I shouldn't let one bad apple ruin the whole bunch...but anyone who thinks there is just one bad apple in Washington/Austin/Hays Co. or whatever part of the world you live in, also probably thinks that Hillary Clinton should be the next President (did that make sense? Sure it did)
Come on Folks!
Mark Foley isn't the first male politician to have sexual contact with a male page...he may just be the first one to be caught and publicly exposed. Gary Condit wasn't the first politician to make a young girl disappear and Wild Bill probably wasn't the first President to get a blow job in the Oval Office.
I think back to my childhood, or I guess my teen years, when I was always doing something "bad" and by God always getting caught. How did my mother know...what was I doing wrong? My older brother seemed to get away with murder, and here I was getting caught for everything! Well, not may have just been the law of averages! I realized something a few years wasn't that I was not as sneaky or sly as my brother, but my mother was smarter than she was 7 years prior. She had seen it all before, and I wasn't coming out with any original material. There's few things to do in a small Texas football, drink beer, and be in the back seat of the car on Saturday night. (ha ha, my first car was a two seater...what was I thinking!!!) Mix in a little mud running, cow tipping, house wrapping, water tower climbing, school jumping (a whole other story), back roading, and skinny dipping and you've got a hell of a good raisin'. Not very all goes on still today...but hey, its a good time. Anyway, the point being...I wasn't doing more or less than my brother, but my mother was educated in a boy's ways, and therefore was more apt to catch the wild bunch.
You get where I went with that one? The media is always looking for the bigger story and finding more means to do so...the Democrats are hungry to regain their control of the legislation...the pages are tired of getting cornholed...and more people are getting caught. Washington is a dirty place...I'm going to go wash my hands just typing about it.
Speaking of legislation...for those of you who play poker or do other gaming online, you probably know about this last weeks law which now makes online gambling illegal...fine...they made it illegal...and snuck it in on the Port Security Act. Basically the mob got pissed because they weren't making the money from online gambling, so they decided that no one should get the money from online gambling...the thought is that those who are addicted to gambling will be looking for bookies or driving to casinos. So, I can no longer lose my paycheck at, but I could find some guy who will break my fucking fingers when I can't pay him...atleast at sportsbook or party poker it was all prepaid and no one was getting attitude adjustments. My thoughts...if you want to make something illegal, step up and take the law before the people...don't weasel it in. If it was really a major concern, it would be at the top of the list...not a footnote...but that is how the bastards get a raise every they are pretty good at what they do.
I missed blogging about Steve Irwin...dangit...I wasn't a Croc Hunter fanatic, but he was a good man, with a love for nature, and a crazy way of bringing it to the couch potatoes of the world...hats off to a man that died doing what he loved.
I sometimes try not to offend...but there are some things that just finally peck away, and peck away, and peck away...
I'm not sure anymore what I feel about this "war" that we are involved in. I've said before that I thought it was right to go to war, but not so right to still be in war. My thoughts are that the problem is with all this politically correct, and media coverage, and let's try to make this whole thing seem not that violent...bullshit! People are dying and that is violent and sometimes that is what has to happen to resolve a situation. I think back to my athletic days...coaches always preached about kicking a dying dog until it was dead (small town remember). See, if you let a smaller, weaker, lesser opponent stay in a fight with you for too long...he starts getting more courage, more adrenaline, more cunning and he then can beat you, but if you go in and just kick some fucking ass...lay down the law...and drop the hammer (no I don't think we should have erased them from the map...not a trend we need to lead) this war would have been over years ago.
So with that being said...I'm tired of hearing about the President and his campaign sending innocent men and women to die. Yes, its true that troops are dying, and that a lot of them are innocent...but they are also doing a job that they signed up to do and it is a job that comes with risks. There has not been a draft in this war...this isn't Vietnam all over again (yet) and no one that has been killed was forced to join the army...or at least not by the army. Underwater welding is one of the most dangerous jobs there is, and these welders are well paid because of it. If an employer were to send an welder down several hundred feet and ask him to weld something, and there is a problem and that welder loses his it the boss man's fault? Should a person who chooses a high risk profession, knowing those risks, be able to blame their losses on another man? Soldiers in the armed forces are paid and trained to serve their country, protect their country, and sometimes die for their country...I'm not saying that I don't mourn with the families of fallen soldiers...I do...I salute them...I encourage them...and I am indebted to them for the freedoms and liberties that I have today. Even if it is being besmirched and defiled by the evil bastards that we elect every couple of years. What I'm saying is innocent men and women are not being sent to their death by the and women are dying, doing their job, in a ill-favored work environment. Yeah, I know that might piss you off.
Man I need to quit! I'm off to play music...let me know what you think...
Here's the question of the day....who do you think was the first President to get a blow job, by someone other than his wife, in the White House???
Tags: Mark Foley,Gary Condit, Wild Bill, Hillary Clinton, Port Security Act,Steve Irwin, sportsbook, party poker, Presidental fornication,
There is hope! It appears that outlawing online gambling violates the US agreements with the WTO. We better get a Democrat in office soon.
You can sign the petition on my site
AMEN to the whole damned thing!
Punk Mark Foley, small town TX life, the fucking media, mobsters who break fingers, the war, and our American Heros who bust their asses every day to keep us free. AMEN!
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