Friday, March 31, 2006


I just want to apologize for just being down on things so much lately...seems all I do is bitch, bitch, bitch...

I went to watch some friends of mine, The Joel Hoffman Band, play some music tonight... and man I had a great time. They're a rockabilly band that plays mostly covers, but man I caught myself just smiling tonight. For no apparent reason I was smiling, and it was because the music...that's the sign of a good set by a good band. Thinking music sounds good is one thing, but when music touches you emotionally...that is when its spiritual.

Anyway, I grew up on old country music...I used to sit around with these old 70's earphones on, you know the ones that looked like Princess Leigha's bun hair do, and my siblings would have their fun by turning up the music gradually and listening to me gradually singing louder and louder. Such amusement is how you get by in small North Texas towns. I kept listening through those ear phones. When my friends were getting cassette set singles of the next big thing, I was spinning vinyl records...Hank Williams 48 greatest hits, this was and may still be my favorite album of all time. I had never even loved before, and I knew every word to Your Cheating Omen for sure. My first drunk was the 5th grade...shooting Crown Royal and listening to Hank Williams...that's how you grow a Country Singer right there.

If you listen to the aforementioned Hank Williams album, and I do suggest you do, you'll hear some of the greatest songs ever written, performed, or recorded. Something else you will hear is simplicity. I'm not saying that the musicians on the album weren't talented, they were for sure, but I am saying that the message was what was important. These days you hear reverb, and feed back, and distortion...something to make a sound...but these things weren't what made the music back then. I guess advances in technology, as well as the learning curve of modern musicians, has given us the ability to make sounds that were implausible at the time...but today's music isn't any better than what you'll get on that two record set from Hank Williams. We're getting more and more and more technically advanced. With every facet of life we are continually finding new and better things. That doesn't mean that we are making life better.

To get off music for a while, let me tell you about something I was thinking about in my sleep this morning. I do think in my sleep...I have full blown conversations with myself while being completely unconcious. I know that many of you think that this is impossible, but its not and is probably the root of my sleep disorder. If you were to go buy Leaning In, the debut album by my band the Texas WettNex you would hear a song that I basically wrote while I was sleeping. Its called 14 Shots and is the last track on the album. I was asleep and talking the song out, and there were people here (it used to be a nonstop party) and I woke up and went out to the back porch, wrote down what I was thinking and hearing in my sleep, and was singing that song within 20 minutes of waking up. I have witnesses to attest to this.

Sorry, I got off subject.

Anyway I was sleep discussing this morning the effects of TiVo or DVR on modern television. I have a roommate now that works nights and often tapes shows that he likes and watches them during the day when there is nothing but crap on the tube. I know alot of people that record their favorite show, in one form or another, so that they can watch it at a more convenient time and be able to skip over the commercials.

I want you to think for a minute what effect this will eventually have on modern television.

Everyone can get three or four, and sometimes more, channels free on any television if they have an antenna. I used to watch NFL football every Sunday with my TV that I've had forever and a guitar string that I'd run up the window and wrap in the mini-blinds. I'm not kidding either...I even knew which row of blinds I'd have to move the wire to so that I might watch either the game on FOX or CBS. If you want guaranteed clarity, or a whole slew of other channels, you have to pay for Cable or Satellite TV. I want to drop my disclaimer here that I'm no scholar of Economics...I've never claimed to be the smartest guy in the world, but I do understand very basic supply and demand, and the price of goods and the price which they are sold. You see, the price of what you pay for your basic cable, or the stars package, or the whole kit and caboodle is based on many things, but one of those is advertising dollars. Everytime you see that little Geico lizard or a Budweiser Commercial or a spot for McDonalds, you are seeing money that those companies have paid the television networks to get their product in your living room. It has been a very effective method of advertisement for quite some time. Think about how many times you've seen a big ole Whataburger on your tube and thought to yourself, "Self, I'm hungry".

So now we have TiVo, and what we will soon have is an adverse effect on our cable rates. As more and more people "tape" their favorite shows so that they can skip over commercials, then commercials will lose their value. If I'm in charge of advertising at Toyota (possibly the best car or truck or 1981 LandCruiser that I regret selling every damn day) I no longer want to pay X amount of dollars for a commercial that is being skipped over by modern technology. To make it easy...If the Texas WettNex paid $10 dollars for their CD to be pushed to 1ooo people, well that would seem like a hell of a deal, but if we paid that same $10 and 250 of those people chose to skip over our ads...then we'd wonder if we might should only be paying $7.50.

I'm rambling, I know. Here is where I'm trying to go with this. Even though the DVR or TiVo system has made it easier for people to watch shows at a more convenient time, what it will also do is lessen the value of advertising. What it won't do is lessen the cost of producing your favorite television when the advertisers demand to quit paying so much for their often skipped over messages, the cable providers are going to have to demand more money for their service. If there is less money coming in the back door, well we'll just have to pull in a little more at the front.

So, as you skip over Betty Crocker and the Pillsbury Doughboy while watching Oprah...are you making your life easier or more complicated? Are you saving yourself time, or are you costing yourself money?

Think back to when life was less complicated...and the little things made you smile.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I haven't much time to write tonight...I need to head up to the bar and play some music...its just that sometimes I get down and don't even know why...or maybe I do know why and just refuse to admit it.

I have, as I'm sure you have, used the word inevitable in a sentence atleast once in my life. You know what inevitable means probably. Its a great word because everyone knows what it means, but it still sounds fancy. I don't like inevitable right now...who chooses inevitable? If I tell you that its inevitable that someone fails because he's trying to start fire with water, I'm probably correct. What if he starts fire with water...what if he finds a way to spark flame with good ole H2O and all the sudden my statement is inevitably wrong. Who chooses what? Why are things inevitable? What is worth trying to change?

I have to be careful sometimes what I write on here because my motherreads these and she might read something and take it the wrong way, but its hard for me because I write my stuff, as well as live much of my life, with reckless abandonment. Therefore, the way I live and write, its inevitable that at some point I'm going to be taken out of context, or hurt someones feelings, or make someone angry.

If you live your life, or write your thoughts, or bake your cookies to make sure everyone is happy..then you are nothing. If you spend your time trying so hard to please others, then you are never yourself. Do you know who you are? Ask yourself that question right now. Do I really know who I am? Are you a different person at work then you are at home? Have you ever blamed something on the alcohol? I live by a little saying, "a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts." If you act different in different environments, why do you do so? Now I'm not talking about little things that are out of home I cuss like a sailor...I try not to do that too much at work because people are offended by such things and I do work in the retail business. I try to keep many of my opinions to myself at work, although I would never state a false opinion just to appease someone.

There is the dude that comes in and tries to hammer on us and hammer on us for a lower price..."come on"..."give me a break"..."I know you have room to move" (like we don't have bills to pay?). This is the same guy that asks why everything is made in China, and I want so bad to come over the counter and give him a piece of my mind. "Its people like you that have driven everything to foreign, who wants to pay less and less for a product and the service that goes with it, all the time wanting more and more and more money to be paid for yourself!" I've seen myself scream this in my head. Its you Mr. Fatman who has to ask for a little less no matter what the price to the point that the only way I can get you what you ask for at the price you are willing to pay is to go somewhere where it can be made cheaper. A place where people work harder for less money.

Sorry about that, but if you couldn't tell I'm just a little upset and my mind is swirling. All this time I don't know if I'm upset at something, someone, or just my own damn self.
Why is it that we always seem chasing something or someone that we can't have...that doesn't want us...and all the time there is something that we don't want that is chasing us. Maybe its a great life back there, but you just keep pressing on...keep reaching....keep hoping.
Think outside the box...Its a vicious cycle...dont' be selfish and think about yourself...look at the broad picture. That someone or something that doesn't want you, is probably chasing someone or something else that doesn't want them. If you've never thought about that, then have you thought about this...that person who wants you or what you have, that you are running from...the person who would give you anything...there is someone chasing them. Someone who would gladly step in and give it all they have.

If you're confused then my job here is feel like me and all I really wanted to do was to bring the whole damn lot down with me.
There are few things in this world that are truly inevitable...things that can't be changed no matter what you do. Success is not inevitable, no matter what you do. Love is not inevitable. But chasing success, and chasing love...there is an will hurt sometimes, not necessarily forever...but you will hurt sometimes. Without pain, would you ever really know pleasure?

If you read this in time to make it out to the Texas Sports Bar, tonight would be a good night...when I'm happy I play and have fun, but when I'm sad I pour my heart and pain out into the song...cause there never would have been any soul or rock and roll without the blues.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Oh Crap!

My disclaimer here is that sometimes I just need to rant. Sometimes I can't quit until someone hears me, and often its too late; I've gone too far.

Its a scary thing saying what you believe sometimes. I've just released a CD, I should be trying to make friends with everyone I can. I believe when you say something you should stand behind it, right or wrong. I shouldn't go against any grain, I should roll with the flow and be everyones buddy.

That's not me.

Next let me tell you that I don't condone drunk driving. So when this is all over, don't take stabs at me for this. I don't think its good to drive when impaired for any reason. You ever tried to drive when you're real sick and the sun shines in just a bit and you can barely open your eyes? That's driving impaired.

So here it is.

We've all seen this picture of the beautiful young girl who was hit by a drunk driver and now lives life deformed. This is a horrible thing, I pray for that girl. We've all seen the stats on how many deaths each year are attributed to drunk driving accidents, and once again this is not good. But let me ask this...where are the stats for how many people are killed by stone sober drivers? Do you think its less or more? How many people are killed each year by drivers who are sleep deprived? This is probably more of a danger than drunk driving. How many people are killed each year by drivers on their cell phone, or putting on make up, or tying their shoes? Why aren't there commercials for this? How many people are killed each year by drivers under 18 or over 80? Why don't these stats ever show up on TV and Radio commercials? Why don't you hear the story about the highschool kid who was driving to see his girlfriend one morning and ended up dead and putting the guy he hit in a wheel chair? I didn't make that story up.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't warn of the dangers of drunk driving, I'm asking why you don't see the warning of careless driving in other forms. I for one would rather hitch a ride with some dude that just pounded a six pack after work, like he does everyday, than catch a ride with a 16 year old kid. For every person I know who was hurt or injured or killed in a drunk driving incident, (I was injured in a drunk driving incident) I know of a person who was killed in a accident that did not involve drugs or alcohol.

I had more wrecks (and I had a few) in my young driving days when I was sober than I did when I was drunk. Some would say that this is because I drove more sober than I did while drinking...well for those of you who ever drove much distance with me back in the AC days, you'll know that isn't exactly the case.

And there's M.A.D.D., and they are crusading all over the country, maybe the world for all I know, and speaking of the evils of drunk driving. Good for them, but why target drunks? Well obviously its because they lost someone or had someone close to them injured by someone drinking or while inebriated themselves. But why be so selfish...stay on your war path, but let's fight the whole lot. Don't be Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, be Mothers Against Debilitated Drivers. How about Mothers Against Developing Drivers? Mothers Against Dressing Drivers? Mothers Against Dialing Drivers? Mothers Against Decrepit Drivers?

You get the pictures?

Let's get all the dangers off the road. Let's go and tally up the stats. Let's see where the dangers really lie. Let's take anyone under 18 and anyone over 80 off the road. I guarantee that this would make the roads safer. Let's pass a law where you have to be completely clothed or bare-assed naked, and stay that way, to drive. Let's take cell phones out of the car (I wouldn't like that one). Let's pass laws for all drivers that are similar to the new laws for Truck Drivers. Each driver has to keep a log of how many hours they have spent on the road, and how much sleep they've had. The days of cheap amphetamines and truck stop coffee are over, for all of us.

Let us not continue to point out part of the problem, let's not pick on those people who are doing something we don't agree with because you can easily get the backing of a snooty society. If one Mad Mother rear ends someone while she's putting on her make up as she's late to work, then she is not better than Barney, more over she's worse. You want to save lives, then save all lives at all costs.

Check your stats folks, and then let's get this thing going.

By the way, this thing that is going around MySpace...the the bottom has this
"If you receive this petition and do nothing but delete it, your selfishness knows no bounds. Signing is such a small effort to make."

I did my part by sharing these views, but I have not signed your petition...I face my selfishness, you face your hipocrisy.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

What's going on?

This week started out good, by the WettNex finally getting their first CD and selling a few copies and sending them to radio stations, but man has it gone down hill since then. Let me note that my week is still in the positive, because it would take a whole dang lot to bring me down from the euphoria of getting the album. By the way, its titled Leaning In, and will be available via our web site very soon.

Now let's talk about this other crap going on.


I hate 'em. I don't like politicians, I don't like the games they play, and I don't like the lies they tell. I hate 'em

In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina we've seen much ineptitude at every level of government. They can point fingers at those higher or lower, but the bottom line is that none of them handled this storm or its aftermath correctly. Government officials claim that they didn't have all the information they needed to accurately and expertly manage the situation, but we've all seen that this simply wasn't true. We've seen the e-mails circulating through FEMA and its ex-executive Mike Brown during what should have been a time of urgency. We've seen the videos of President Bush being briefed on the catastrophe to come before Katrina made her landfall. We've all known that New Orleans was a city that would inevitably end up under water some day.

So let me take up for the government for a second. They've done wrong and there is no doubt about that, but the real blame here goes to arrogance and complacency. I guess you could say that they weren't really prepared for such destruction, because none of us had ever seen such. You ever seen a little kid who just has to try to touch something hot? Their mother repeatedly tells them to stop, to not do that, that's it hot and it will burn you, but they just keep trying to get their little hands on whatever it might be. Then they finally touch it, and they cry, and they look at their mom with tears in their eyes and pouting faces and then they don't ever touch it again. For some reason this goes on throughout our lives, our parents tell us stuff that is bad for us and we always think they know nothing until we end up with blisters on our hands. So, here are the leaders of the towns, cities, states, and this country who are fixing to go through something that they had never seen, well at least not of this magnitude, and they had to get burned before they understood what the experts were warning them of. How about the people who stayed in their homes to "ride out" the storm? Now these are the people who criticize the government and their handling of the storm. (the ones who aren't dead) I recently saw an interview of a man who miraculously made it through Katrina. His words were something like, "I've made it through all the other storms unscathed (yeah, he didn't say unscathed) but I've not seen anything like this before" and he went on to say that he would evacuate in the future and all that other stuff. I didn't mean to write this much about Government. The whole thing is, everybody from Shrimper Joe on the Louisiana coast to President Bush made a rash of bad decisions in this matter, and its mainly because despite all the expert information that was handed to them, they were not prepared for this magnitude of storm. And they were extremely arrogant!

The World Baseball Classic:

How could the United States team disappoint us like that? Why didn't they go and crush everyone? How could they lose to Canada? How could they lose to Korea? Well duh! Although the continent of North America does rule the baseball world, United States citizens do not rule baseball. I'm not saying that there aren't very talented American baseball players. My favorite baseball player, Michael Young, is American and played on the American team. My favorite team, the Texas Rangers, has a list of American all-stars. If you look at stat leaders you'll see a bunch of Americans, but not for long. If any of you are surprised that Cuba is playing in the finals, well you don't know much about baseball. Boys from Latin countries are taught baseball from birth. These kids treat baseball they way that lower class urbanites look at basketball. Its a way for them to get out of poverty, and away from crime (although many of them just take the crime with them), and out of the perception that they are nothing. Some Latin Americans are signed under contract as young as 15. The Texas Rangers, then owned by President Bush, signed Sammy Sosa when he was 16. You want to talk about another bad decision by Bush and company, they traded him to the White Sox during his first major league season. There was no way the American team had a chance. But they lost to Canada? I guess we know how they felt when we started beating them at hockey.

The Cowboys to sign T.O.???:

Say it a'int so! Now I'll admit that I had very similar sentiments when they signed Keyshawn Johnson. I thought he was a loud-mouthed crybaby who wasn't nearly as talented as he thought he was. It turned out that he did some really great things in Dallas. He was a dependable receiver in the clutch, he was a inspiration in the locker room, he really did some great things for the fans (I saw him give game balls to handicap children who were in the stands during games, that's good stuff) and he didn't whine too much. So now they're going to get Terrell Owens. What the....? He is a loud-mouthed crybaby, who may be every bit as talented as he says he is. He's capable of making huge plays, and swaying a game. I'd say he's good for a touchdown every game and a half, and he makes other receivers better because defenses have to concentrate on him so much. But he's a Cancer! He was a cancer in San Francisco, he was a cancer in Philly, and I'd bet my left shoe that he'll be a cancer in Dallas. My only hope is that he wants revenge on Philly so badly, that he straightens up for at least this one year and helps Dallas to a Division Title. Let us (loyal Cowboys fans) not forget that this is the guy who celebrated on our Blue Texas Star. There are many fans that hopped off the Cowboys bandwagon the day they fired Tom Landry, well I hope that the day they sign T.O. won't empty out a few more seats. I know Jerry is thinking that if T.O. helps the 'Boys win that title that all will be forgiven, but aye some things just can never be forgotten!

I'm sorry, I've just been listening to too many commentators this week I guess. I've read too many headlines, and thought too many thoughts. I hope all of you are having a great weekend, and I'll catch up with you soon.

Don't forget... and if you want to hear some song samples go to

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Oh Come On Dude...

The following came from the "Strange But True" section of aol this and then answer my question at the bottom.

Man Says Stripper Delivered a Rob-O-Gram

ATASCADERO, Calif. (March 10) - A retired salesman alleged a stripper and her friend beat and robbed him in his home. John Skinner, 54, said he was on his way to Bible study on Jan. 23 when exotic dancer Maureen Murphy, 25, knocked on his door and offered him a free strip-o-gram.
Murphy said a friend had already paid for the show, police said.
When Skinner agreed to let her perform, knife wielding Richard Adam, 23, allegedly forced his way inside and told Skinner he owed Murphy, owner of Bikini Assassins, and another woman money for earlier services.
Skinner said he owed Talbert money for sex one time but not for a previous time when he said she fell asleep before they could have sex.
Adam allegedly tied up Skinner and hit him in the face. Investigators said Murphy went upstairs to find valuables and returned with thong underwear and medication for erectile dysfunction.
The pair allegedly tried to take Skinner's car, but it was out of gas.
Prosecutors charged three people in the case.
Adam was charged with robbery, burglary and inflicting great bodily injury. Exotic dancer Leslie Talbert, 20, was charged with two counts of burglary and Murphy, 25, was charged with robbery, burglary, false imprisonment and battery. A preliminary hearing will be held March 23.

Now do you really think that this guy was going to Bible Study????

By the way, you need to buy a Texas WettNex CD...Its hot off the press and going fast. or

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

So You're the One...

I'm not going to waste either of our time trying to recall it, but there's an old Aggie Joke that's about an Aggie who's trying to row a boat in the middle of Kyle field because he thinks its water or something. The punch line is delivered from a fellow Aggie, "You idiot, its Aggies like you that give the rest of us a bad name...and if I could swim I'd come out there and kick your..."

Yeah, sometimes it just takes one person to label a whole group.

You hear all the time about the beautiful girls that hate being beautiful because all the guys are intimidated and won't hit on them...blah, blah, blah... Being a guy I know that I'm personally pretty damn intimidated a lot of the times, except of course after some liquid Love gets mixed with some diet Courage on the rocks and then Dr. Debonair comes out and trys out his best line, "Hey, youth soor look be-u-futil". Of course this is said a few decibels over the Heavy Metal band in the background while spitting all over your prospective companion. Works every time.

But fo sho', its not always easy being a guy and trying to talk to a woman...the rejection is painful. No one likes to be rejected, especially when they have their heart on their sleeve, or there willie out the....sorry.

Now I think that the majority of the people, or at least the female people, in this world are of good heart and wouldn't be overly rude to anyone unless it's absolutely necessary. But its the select few that ruin it for them. It's the select few from cultures, or races, or political party (well, its really most of them) or religion that do something depraved and its all too often the defining point of their troop.

Last night I'm playing shuffle board in this bar. I'm having a few drinks with some friends, some of them very nice girls, and trying to invite people to come out to Riley's and watch me play tonight. I'm just letting them know that the WettNex are going to be out in full force and ready to rock. I see these two girls sitting there drinking and talking, and with only the intention of asking them to come check out a show, I walk up and say hello.

The dialouge was close to this.

"Hello" (happy go lucky voice)

"Yeah" (mean nasty bitchy voice)

(I stop for a moment and think, what a...) "What are you girls doing tomorrow night"

"Its none of your business" (yeah, she really was...)

(I can see the ship sinking) "Well, I just wanted to invite you out to Riley's tomorrow night, my
band is playing and we'd like to see you there."

(extreme bitchiness...I know that I should change my descriptions, but what other way can you say this) "Well, I'll be with my 5 kids, can they come?"

Now, this girl was obviously not old enough to have 5 kids, but I hope that she does in the future...all at once...through her nose.

I want to say something like, "Yeah, you don't have to be a bitch...I'm not hitting on're not that pretty" but instead I say, "Alright, great, well you have a good night"

So, here I sit...thinking that my approach of inviting girls to the show needs some work...although the few girls that I asked earlier in the night were real nice and I should probably have written about how nice they were, but what fun would that be.

But girls like these are the reason that insecure guys stand in the corner with their friends, ogling all who walk by, thinking about how they'd like to ..., and knocking back the courage. Waiting for the confidence to build up, and hoping it does so before they lose the ability to speak...or try to dance...or hold it 'til they make it to the boys room. Its tough being a guy.

I'm sure there is some quote about bad apples or something, but I don't think we need it.

I'm going to go play some music...Don't you wish you were going to be there?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


The following comes from a June 2000 edition of the Archer County News. I once had a byline in my small hometown paper and they let me write worthless stuff every week. I don't even know exactly where I was emotionally when I wrote this, but I feel that it should be grammar has not improved over the years so don't judge me there.

I’m not sick, hurt, dead or dismembered, nor have I been asked to quit, fired, or just quit on my own. Many people have asked why I haven’t been writing any lately so I thought I’d clear that up. I have just been busy here lately and had to put a few things on the back burner.

So anyway, I have a really good excuse for last week. You see it was my birthday, and I spent Monday and Tuesday celebrating. For any of you who can’t believe you missed it, send money. I can now look back on a full 22 years and wonder, “what the hell?”

I’ve never been the type to do a lot of planning. I pretty much just go with the moment, but like every other person in this world, I had some kind of dreams and aspirations as a little kid. If I think of the ideas from way back, I should have already been an astronaut by now. But, even though my life is about as far from the plans I made as a senior in High School as they can be, I’m happy with it. Why? Well, I finally think I know what I want to do, or be involved with, etc.

That’s not what I’m going to write about, though. I’m going to write about rocks. I remember this one time when I was about in eighth grade, me and Carlton Ledyard and Bryan Baxter got on our bikes and rode out to one of the flat top mountains to the west of town for no other purpose but to scratch our names onto its sand stone side. I haven’t been back since then, but I know what happens to sand stone over a period of years. I’m sure that the names are still there, but they probably don’t look exactly the same. That’s how sand stone is.

Some people are a lot more into planning than I am, and they have their lives planned down to the dying. They have plans set in stone you might say, but like those names of three friends, their plans have to set in sand stone. Life is full of twists and turns, and each of these is like a pounding rain on their sand stone plans. Tears from life’s letdowns and heartaches and adversities, an even those of joy flow over the plan and change it ever so slightly. Scientifically speaking, with every action there is a reaction. As with every with every move you make in life there is an outcome, some favorable, others not. And with everything that happens, the plan changes ever so slightly. The only thing you can really say is definitely set is that you are going to die. Even then, everything you’ve done to that point is going to affect an even bigger plan.

I’m not saying that you can’t have a plan, because even though I’m not all that good at it, it’s better to know what you want than to just ramble on. The thing is; you have to realize that sometimes the plan has to change, because when making it, you couldn’t see ahead. It doesn’t have to change completely, just ever so slightly, because we can’t stop the weathering effect of life.
