Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Rant!

Its happened again...I've been reading articles and blogs.

So I hear all these "facts" and opinions about Israel and Iraq and the wars that rage on...I've also heard one of the stupid things I think I've ever heard.

I try everyday to be somewhat of a good American. I try not to denounce our President and other leaders. It's not because I'm a big Bush fan, but because I believe an old idea of a unified front. I believe in the, "if your not for us, you must be against us" philosophy to an extent. I don't want to tell you that I did vote for Bush one time he ran, and didn't the other. I'll tell you I didn't vote for Al Gore. I will tell you that I think Australia would be a great place to live. At one time I thought Texas was the only place for me (there a'int no better place to be) but maybe Canada would be a good spot to park and rest a while.

I'm tired of the war in Iraq. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have gone to war (although I think they should have been a little more honest as to why they went to war...the duped us on the WMD thing) I'm saying that we shouldn't still be at war. I'm no "we should pull the troops out" tree-hugger, I just think we should have already ended this thing in victory. What happened to "speak softly and carry a big stick"? I fear now that there is no chance of victory. I think of one time I got into a little scuffle in college, I woke up the next morning with a busted lip and nose...all my friends called to congratulate me for winning the fight...I didn't feel like a winner.

I'm tired of far out liberals. I saw a picture of a protest sign today that said, "I only support our troops when they shoot their officers". I wonder if they have ever thought how they got the right to hoist that banner.

I'm tired of hearing about gay marriage and prayer in public schools. I say write a law where only states that allow public prayer (of any kind) can recognize a same sex marriage. Then everyone's happy...except for the atheist and muslims and the ACLU.

The ACLU is supporting the Westboro Baptist Church...as if they're place in hell wasn't already secured.

I'm tired of hearing about people wanting George Bush to intervene in Israel...if he'd had already intervened...then we'd be telling him how wrong he was doing it. Let's just circle around them like in Junior High...when it looks like one of them is definitely on top...then let's step in and break it up.

I'm tired of hearing Americans whining about still being in Beirut. The government is botching the recovery operations...What the Fuck? You're in Beirut not the Bahamas...you didn't recognize an escalating situation? You didn't realize that you're in a place where people walk into crowded areas and blow themselves and everyone they can up? AND!!! You have never thought about how you're in a part of the world where Americans aren't real popular? Did you ever think that putting as many Americans on a couple cruise ships is a real easy target for some crazy terrorist? Let's rush into that Love Boat!!!

Is it Thursday???

So now for the stupid! I'm sure that all of you get these crazy things in your e-mail how Hillary Clinton supported the Black Panthers or Andy Rooney tells off the world...and they're never true (or completely true) and there is a good web site that takes on these myths called Snopes. Well, yesterday I got an e-mail talking about New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and his incompetence. So a Texas based company (yeah, still the best state) offered to pay $100 per car to haul off these cars left behind in the wake of Hurricane Katrina...of course they were going to make some money off the scrap...but this would have netted N.O. about $5 million. Nagin turns it down and now they are paying out the Nawlins' nose for the car removal... you can read the snopes report here . I've never been real impressed by old Ray, but this just takes the cake!

If anyone has another side to this story...I'm man enough to listen. I'd hope that you could prove me wrong, because this is just JACKASS!!!

So there it is...rant, rant, rant....

I'm tired of ranting.

Hey, the Texas WettNex cd is# 18 on this chart It's called Leaning In and I penned the title cut...you can hear this song and more here.

Also, be sure to visit my renter...it's my first shot at this, and I want him to have a great time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved that post! It made me laugh!!! Nagin has always pissed me off... JACKASS for sure!

9:18 PM  
Blogger T. Willie said...

As a veteran, I have a strong loyalty to our country and it pisses me off when our troops aren't being supported.

And I don't necessarily agree with everything Bush is laying down on the world table. It's just nice to hear someone else ranting along those same lines. Thanks :-)

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great views. be careful, someone might mistake you for a libertarian or worse a "gasp" logical person who thinks!

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think it is too late to release the "big bombs". That would end all of this garbage! What are we all afraid of?

11:57 PM  
Blogger Faith said...

I love your blog and your posts!!!! I'm so glad you put a bid in to rent my blogspace otherwise I might never have found you.

I'll definately be back. And please rebid in the future; I love your blog and would love to host you - I just already committed to someone else for this week.

Keep up the writing; can't wait to

11:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

All I have to say is...Texas is NOT the best place to live. I LIVE here, in a large city, and just try having a thought of your own - one that isn't neo-conservative and Tom Delay-loving.

If you like diversity and different points of view with stimulating coversation about politics, no, you would HATE Texas.

I do.

So what keeps me here? My fiance refuses to live anywhere else - anything north of Dallas is too "cold" (rolling eyes). It's either him, or living in a place where I feel like I belong for a change. I wish I could have both.

6:10 PM  

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