Friday, June 02, 2006


I should really be sleeping!

As I sit here and think about sleeping (that doesn't mean I'm sleepy) I can't help but wonder back a few months to the days when I was prescribed Ambien. Pretty little pill!!!

Anyway, most of you have heard the stories about Ambien and the things that people do while under its influence...I thought I might share my stories. Luckily I never drove!

So it turns out that Ambien sometimes might take a man to his most carnal cravings, the most reported is food.

I had a head shrinker (witch doctor!) prescribe me Ambien several months ago. She thought if I'd get some sleep that I'd be a more normal person. So I went and got the prescription filled, and I took my first ambien. She warned me that I shouldn't be planning to do much after taking the pill, and I thought I understood. The first night I took it was about 10:00. She told me to plan on sleeping 8 hours, so I thought this would do me well. I took the pill and went and jumped in the shower...luckily I didn't drown but did fall down in the shower and somehow made it to the bed (soaking wet) before going out completely.

"This is great!!!", I said to myself the next morning. Sleep kicks ass! But it was very short-lived. You see the pills would still knock me out, but soon I was only sleeping 3 to 4 hours and waking up feeling great. This wasn't cool! That's how little I sleep already!

Stronger Ambien...that'll do it! So then I would sleep 4 to 5 hours (that's a long nights sleep for me!) Man I miss those little pills...insta-sleep...but not enough...but I won't get enough tonight...I need a beer!

But to the the not so funny story is about the egg sandwich. One night will ambienated I must have decided that I need an egg sandwich. I love the egg sandwich. There's nothing like toasted bread, a little mayo, and some scrambled eggs to get you going. Yummy! This one particular night, my carnal desired didn't quite follow the plan. I know how to make an egg sandwich dangit. I also learned (back in my really really dirt poor days!) that you can take an egg and put it in a bowl, stir it up, and drop it in the microwave for a minute and it comes out all round and nasty looking and ready to eat (yummy!), but I prefer the old fashioned method of scrambling it in the pan. Ambien doesn't like scrambled eggs...evidently Ambien likes fried eggs (barely cooked enough to stay together...extra on the floor runny) on two pieces of untoasted bread and dripping all over the place. I ate, and then went right back to bed...I'm sure I was satisfied!

The real good Ambien story is about Spaghetti. I'll tell you now that I love tomatoes and everything tomato. That means tomato sauce! I used to eat half tomatoes and ranch dressing as a snack when I was younger. Most of my friend ate bananas or twinkies or ding dongs (yeah, I just wanted to say ding dong) but I ate raw tomatoes. Love 'em! So one night under the influence (Ambien, not alcohol) I decided that I wanted spaghetti. I started off with some ragu or prego or some kind of sauce. So I start browning meat to put into the mix (I'm asleep...just wanted to make sure you understood this) I mix it all in, but somehow get confused as to my cravings..."What else do I want?"...."What else can go in there?"..."Corn!!!"...ewwww! but that's right...Corn is what I put in it...and I ate it...and I must've liked it because I ate a bunch. Not like whole kernel corn, but freaking cream corn! yuck.

By the way, this is all being done under the watchful eyes of people who call themselves my friends! I'm glad they like to be entertained by my Ambienage!
So I sit here 1:45 and think that I wish I had some Ambien...2 - 7 would work out great.

Have you guys visited yet and requested a Texas WettNex song? You should do that! And buy a CD too!!!

Oh yeah, I've got another blog coming check back in a day or's going to be a long one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone heard of a pharmacy site called I got great generic Ambien from them delivered to me in quickly. I used the promo code FIRST and I got $15.00 off my order. I know it is still valid since my friend just ordered...anyone else heard of I really like them! Sarah

3:43 PM  

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